... Daihen OTC Mig Boy 135 Welder Parts and Consumables

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If you own one of these spool guns you will recognize it immediately! These units are very popular with sign companies, for fabricating "aluminum channel letters". They are light (using 1/2 pound wire spools) and make the welding of thin aluminum (with .024 wire) easy and economical.
OTC has done an EXTREMELY!!!! poor job of promoting their equipment (especially this unit). At one time, this is the only mig system, in the US, that will push .016 E70S-6, STEEL WIRE!  Sadly this is no more. I had to find out by trying to order replacement wire only to be told that it had been discontinued! No notice, NO WARNING-NOTHING-

We carry repair parts, wire, and Mig consumables, both original OEM and aftermarket parts for these mig guns. Contact us about repairing or rebuilding your Mig guns and service on your OTC power supplies. We will do our best to assist you.
Mig Contact Tips  Nozzles & Insulators  GParts  Filler Wire

The following underlined links will help you identify Mig Gun consumables and filler materials.

OTC Mig Boy 135 Spool Gun

Revolution Long Barrel Spool Gun
WM-2401-OTC Long Barrel Spool Gun

Designed for Channel Letters and other hard to reach spots!!!

WM-2401-OTC Long Barrel Spool Gun Upgrade for the OTC/Daihen Mig-135 power supply. This part number includes the Revolution Long Barrel direct connect spool gun with 25' leads, spool gun control box with correct connector leads for the OTC Mig-135. Sample consumable pack included. 

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DAHIEN® and OTC® is a  registered trademarks of DAHIEN LTD., WELDMART-ONLINE is in no way affiliated with DAHIEN LTD..
 References to the named torches, machines, and part numbers are for the convenience of our customers only